Curated Content Delivery Platform for Celebrity Social Sharing

UX and product design for social sharing monetization.

Worked with Product Manager to conceptualize and design new revenue generating model for content curation and social sharing.

End-to-end product design from onboarding to posting content to reviewing earnings via dashboard.

Interaction design and animation for native, iOS app touch user experience.


Task: design a native iOS mobile app to help celebrities post relevant content and monetize endorsements.

Influencers have huge followings on social media dwarfing traditional media, but they are not leveraging that audience to promote ideas and products they support.


Design process started with low-fi wireframes and notes from Product Manager.


Feedback from celebrity beta users informed final interface. UX featured elegant touch animation for moving/sliding articles into users social share list.


Performed user testing to validate and refine UX for revenue and earnings tracking and engagement.

Revenue Screens

Result: Succesful product launch in App Store on-time and on-budget.
