Healthy Eating Habits Made Simple

UX design for personalized meal recommendations, planning and nutrition tracking.

Designed multiple iterations of product (Beta, 1.0, 2.0) — improving UX based on customer feedback.

Designed user-friendly "white label" B2B doctor / nutritionist interface and dashboard.

Extended and evolved consistent brand look and feel from pre-existing design system.

Meal Recommendations App

Task: Redesign UX to take the complexity out of meal scheduling and nutrition tracking. Design process started from rough “wireframes” with notes from Product Manager.


I produced high fidelity wireframes and prototypes for team review.


I incorporated stakeholder feedback from wireframe review to produce final UI for hand-off to engineering.

Mobile Screens

I designed content for Mobile first then optimized for desktop layout.

Mobile translated to desktop

I advocated for grid view format for easier scrolling through multiple meals.

Grid View

UX had to accomodate display of nutrition information, recipes, and ingredients for multiple items per meal.

Meal Information

I researched B2B customer needs and designed EatLove Pro for doctors and dietitions.

Meal Information

Patients are sent customized meal plans tailored to improve their specific health condition.


Result: App store five star customer ratings. Customer satisfaction up 50%. Greater adoption of the platform by health professionals.

App Store